Wednesday, November 14, 2007


My last blog is now-no-mo...
why you ask!? Well I'll tell you my good friend! Simply put, I forgot the password! teehee...

I tried their password recover thing but I could never figure it out, with all the redirects and stuff... kinda weird really. I guess in a way this is a good thing, starting off a new blog site and all... the only thing that really changed is the blog name... from the original "four year freshman" to "The" four year freshman... at first I was gonna go for the title "Former" four year freshman (with the 3 F's in line and all, for the fluffy funny feel to it! hahaha... no?) or four year "not so" freshman, since I'm no longer a freshman but already a junior! woooot! but not yet a graduate... ahh... but I'm getting there, one day at a time... one... day... at a time...

until then, yoroshiku onegaishimasu... mmm, i think i used it right... idk

In the mean time, here's a video test I made a few days ago.

It's my first time using the blogger video uploader but since this is a new blog site why not?! Hmmm... upload does seem kinda slow so I might just use my youtube uploads in future posts...

but for now, here's a link to the original size:
and feel free to leave comments! Anonymity is welcome... ;]

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